Hi, my name is

Karwan Rasul

I am a Senior Software Engineer

Currently, I am working on enterprise projects, including finance service applications and e-commerce applications.

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01.About Me

Hello Internet   my name is Karwan , my journey in coding started since 2017 before going to University, I was using Visual Basic to create desktop applications.
in 2018 while I have been accepted from Software Engineering in Koya University my experience in coding took to the next level.
during these four years I have completed many Youtube and Udemy courses and an online boocamp about Mobile Application Development of WeCode Rwanga Foundation using Flutter framework.
In the bootcamp I did teamwork and I learned how to manage time to do all tasks, we did our projects usually using Agile Methodology, it was a good experience!, and currently I am working as a Frontend Developer in RIGT.

here are those technologies that I familiar with them :

  • Flutter & Dart
  • Vue, Nuxt, React and Next JS
  • HTML, CSS, tailwind, SASS, Boostrap
  • Typescript
  • JavaScript, JQuery, AJAX
  • MySQL, Firebase
  • Git and Github
Picture of the author


I have over three years of experience in web development and one year of experience in mobile application development using Flutter. I am continuously eager to expand my knowledge in this fast-paced industry. Throughout my journey, I have acquired a diverse set of skills and expertise.

  • Mobile Application
    • Basics of UX and UI Design
    • Git and GitHub
    • Experience with State Management Packages (Riverpod, GetX, Cubit)
    • Integrating RESTful APIs using Dio or HTTP Packages
    • Familiarity with Repository Design Pattern, MVVM, MVC, and Clean Architecture
    • Project Division into Presentation, Application, Domain, and Data Layers
    • Flutter Custom and Reusable Widgets
    • Sealed Classes and Unions using Freezed and Equatable Packages
    • Futures and FutureBuilder, Streams and StreamBuilder
    • Firebase Authentication (Phone, Gmail, Anonymously) and Stripe Configuration
    • Firestore: Working with Snapshots, Document References, Firestorage, and Triggers
    • Hive, Shared Preferences, SQLite
    • Flutter Push Notifications and Local Notifications
    • Dynamic Linking and Map Integration
  • Web Development
  • Management & Leadership Skills
    • Team Working Skills
    • Time Managment Skills
    • Problem Solving Skills
    • Mentoring


    1. Senior Frontend Developer(RIGT)


    2. Frontend Developer(RIGT)

    3. Mobile Application Developer(Datacode)

    4. Intern Mobile Application Developer(Datacode)

    5. Mobile Application Development(Rwanga Foundation)

    Get In Touch

    I would love to hear from you! If you have a question or just want to say hi, I’ll try my best to get back to you!